Internationalistischer Tresen: Krise, Rechtsruck und Widerstand in Argentinien

Im Dezember 2023 gewann der ultrarechte Javier Milei die Präsidentschaftswahl in Argentinien. Milei kündigte im Rahmen seines Wahlkampfes eine neoliberale Schocktherapie mitsamt Sparmaßnahmen, Privatisierungen und einer Liberalisierung der Märkte an. Ob Organe, Adoptionsrechte, Gehwege oder das Meer – alles soll auf dem Markt gehandelt werden können. Mileis Vizepräsidentin, Victoria Villaruel, ist für ihre Verteidigung der [...] read more

SIEMPRE ANTIFASCISTA – Our solidarity against the paramilitarism in Colombia!

T-Shirt | Ladiez-Shirt In November 2016, the government of conservative Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos formally made peace with the Marxist guerrilla FARC-EP, which had been campaigning for almost half a century against the intolerable exploitation and disfranchisement of agricultural workers in Colombia. During the course of the armed conflict, the Colombian oligarchy, with the [...] read more

Los Fastidios – The Sound Of Revolution

♫♫♫ “Everbody needs, everbody loves, everybody wants the sound of Revolution” ♫♫♫ [NEW IN STORE] LOS FASTIDIOS – THE SOUND OF REVOLUTION CD The cd-player in our Fire and Flames headquarter faces a collapse because the new Los Fastidios CD is running non-stop the whole day. Twelve tracks between streetpunk, ska, rocksteady and rock’n’roll with [...] read more

MDB / DDM / OSA – Alte Meierei

Thx to 300 people rocking the Alte Meierei Kiel last Saturday. Thx to One Step Ahead, Drowning Dog and Malatesta and Moscow Death Brigade for outstanding performances, inspiring talks and several laughters. You are not just great artists but also good comrades who keep the struggle alive from the peripheries to the metropolises, from Limbach [...] read more

LOS FASTIDIOS – Radio Babylon [2017 – Official Videoclip]

You know them, you love them: Enjoy the first outtake of the upcoming new Los Fastidios album “The Sound Of Revolution” out on February 1st 2017 – proudly powered by Fire and Flames. Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube.Mehr erfahren Video laden YouTube immer entsperren

Kunst und Kampf

We now have a limited amount of posters, postcards and books by Bernd Langer / Kunst und Kampf in stock!

Mob Action!

We now have a fine selection of Mob Action clothing from Leipzig in our onlinehop and store. Look at it!