[ITEM OF THE WEEK] Ebri Knight – Guerrilla CD


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Catalan folk rockers Ebri Knight presenting their fourth album „Guerrilla“. With this new work, Ebri Knight strengthen their sound by providing a more galvanic and forceful base for their songs without losing a point of the folk character that makes them so recognizable. Content related the guerrilla is a symbol of struggle with referents such as the Maquis, the historic Bandoleros or the Latin American struggles. But it is also a symbol of self-organization, of secrecy and fighting side by side against injustice. And that is what Ebri Knight claims, aware of the current situation in the country. It is also a work full of references and tributes; to women, to the poet Miguel Hernández, to the Kurdish and Irish peoples, to the workers‘ movement, to the International Brigades … A direct and forceful 12-track disc that aims to convey a message of hope, struggle and solidarity. Highly recommended by Fire and Flames!

Get your copy here: Ebri Knight – Guerilla CD

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