40 Years Alte Meierei – non-commercial & self-determined

24.08.23 – 26.08.23 @ Alte Meierei (Hornheimer Weg 2) | Kiel When the squatters’ houses on Sophienblatt were evicted in the summer of 1983 and had to make way for the car- and consumer-oriented inner city planning, the Alte Meierei came into being as one of the pacification and alternative objects for the squatters and [...] read more

Fr. 03.3.: Schwach + Mon Cherie @ Alte Meierei

Fire and Flames Music presents another Punk/HC Show Weiterlesen SCHWACH: Youth Crew Hardcore (Berlin/Hamburg) MON CHERIE: Hardcore-Punk/Deutschpunk (Hamburg) Friday, 03.03.2023 | 8 pm | Alte Meierei (Hornheimer Weg 2) | Kiel www.altemeierei.de