This is powerful stuff from The Movement, straight forward and straight to the bone! This is Mod Punk when its best, with references to the late seventies bands like The Clash and The Jam, mixed with sixties sound like early The Who. The Outrage! EP is fast and melodic, and the message is freedom! The Movement has always pointed the finger and criticized the capitalist system, the pathetic leaders, and the fascist dogs the bourgeois use to split and confuse the working class with. On this “Outrage! EP” 2014, The Movement directs their criticism more at the individual person! Why live life like a moron or a sheep? IT’S AN OUTRAGE! The society consists of individuals, and as long as those individuals live their life’s with a slave mentality in their own little rat race, without taking any kind of responsibility, and only expecting changes to come from higher level, nothing will happen! There has all ready been too many generations like that. Let’s light a match and start a fire in our own lives, let’s keep on blowing so the fire will spread and finally burn the whole system down!
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