[FFM056] New album of the St. Pauli-based duo Doc Sleiwas and Nesti Nest a.k.a. DOCNEST! Rap from Hamburg neither missing political style and attitude nor a good part of humour. Comes on beats by Stormi and Nezahr, cuts by Spion Y, and Captain Gips is also on to support this congenial crew to make this piece perfect. Big ups!
Fire and Flames Music [FFM056] / Supported by True Rebel Store
A1 Born To Be Riot
A2 Gegen
A3 Deine Perle
A4 Tante Emma
A5 Hamburger Deern
A6 Deutschrap ist Maskulin
B1 Kokolores und Pille Palle
B2 Gelber Schein
B3 Underground MC‘s
B4 Mach mich frei
B5 Im Gleichschritt
B6 Meuterei
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