“No War But Class War” Waisted Shirt


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In increasingly militarised times, this motif is intended as a reminder of the principles of class-conscious anti-militarism. It is inspired by antimilitarist practice such as the riots at the NATO summit in Strasbourg in 2009, as well as by historical radical anti-war groups such as NWBCW, whose slogan can be seen on this shirt.

Outtake from the basic principles of NWBCW (1991):

  • […]
  • We are for the destruction of the morale and military capacity of all the warring states by the escalation of the war of our class – the proletariat, the workers and dispossessed of all countries – against the enemy class – the rich, the politicians and generals – on all fronts, including the home fronts.
  • We are for an immediate end to the war, to be forced on the opposing states by mass strikes and other forms of working class action.
  • We are for united international action against the war, on a class basis, and not on the basis of pacifism, or on calls for the capitalists to stop being butchers. We do not plead with the gangsters of Westminster, Washington and Baghdad – we make it clear that they will not stop until we force them to stop.
  • We support working class action against austerity measures, health and welfare cuts, internment and repression in general resulting from the war effort.
  • […]
  • We are for the destruction of the international dictatorship of capitalism by the working class, and its replacement by an association of producers, a world without states, frontiers and wage slavery, a world where war is impossible.
  • […]


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SKU: FFTS116-G Categories: ,


  • white coloured waisted shirt
  • 2 colour front print
  • crew-neck collar

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Fire and Flames


100% Cotton