Acht Eimer Hühnerherzen – s/t LP


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Label: Destiny


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SKU: LP0515 Category:


Semi-acoustic nylon string trio performing the three musical styles Powerviolence-Folk, Cacophony and Fear Of Commitment. They come from Kreuzberg near Berlin and play punk with classical-guitars and Fuzz-drivers for all cheerful-depressive people in the space of the inner city train belt: single parents, alcoholics and allergy sufferers … and for everybody else. This debut-album abounds with anarchistic carefreeness. Ignoring all rules of punk, folk and even songwriting icy cool cold, they just mix everything they like into a big bucket and stirr it vigorously to create a record where one good and distinctive song follows to the next. LP w. DL-card, first 500 ltd. coloured pink vinyl

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Product Features


Punk / Oi / Hardcore Germany



Label / Brand

Destiny Records